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Waistline Narrowing

Waistline narrowing involves the maximal removal of fat from the waistline and love handles!

Waistline narrowing is performed differently for males and females. The proper aesthetics of a male patient is more of a “V” shape whereas the female counterpart is a “S” shape. Depending on the degree of skin laxity, redundancy, and adiposity (or fat), we have two options for waistline narrowing: 1- VASER assisted liposculpting with Renuvion J plasma skin tightening 2- Lateral thigh and buttock tuck with/without VASER assisted liposculpting Keeping proper aesthetics in mind, I am able to sculpt the abdomen, flanks and waist using the assistance of VASER.

VASER allows for the adipocytes (or fat cells) to transform into a more liquified state through the use of ultrasound guided technology. After VASER, I then evacuate the fat through liposuctioning. This is then followed by Renuvion J plasma or BodyTite skin tightening. If you have a lot of loose/redundant skin and fat, you may require a lateral thigh and buttock tuck which will remove the bulk of the tissue via an incision that will definite the shape of the buttock and narrow the waistline. We often times will perform a concurrent BBL (Brazilian Buttock Lift) at the time of waistline narrowing as well!

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